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Life is full of changes.
We all need support as we go through the changes and unexpected events of life. We need support as we go through them - people to help guide us and listen, and processes to help us manage all the new information and activities.
You're in the right place for both. You don't have to figure it out alone. A few years ago I discovered how much a structured yet flexible system could help through Organize 365. It has made so much difference in my life that I became trained to teach other people about these transformative tools, and lead both in-person and online events.
Sunday Basket- This little box has been key to navigating life's changes, saving time, and keeping track of all the hats I wear.It is the center of managing day to day action items, paperwork, and planning. I call my bright blue Sunday Basket "The Tardis" because its structure of rainbow colored 1.0 slash pockets and four colored 2.0 slash pockets keep my week and other aspects of family life, household management, and finances on track. There is even a spot for my life-giving passion projects. Taking time once a week with it, sometimes with the support of a group online for encouragement, keeps things going.
Paper Organizing Retreats - All those changes in life tend to bring more paper and information than we know what to do with. More often than not it winds up stuffed in boxes in closets, the basement, the attic... Not all paper and information needs action, but needs to be kept for reference when needed. The trick is having a method that works easily so that you can find what you need when you need it. Paper organizing retreats and binders for medical, financial, household operations, and home reference are the key here. Round up your boxes of paper and you'll be guided through the process of deciding what to keep and how to organize it for easy reference.
Business Friday Workbox - A similar framework makes work life flow smoothly- whatever type of work that is. If your job involves ideas, projects, people, and tasks that need to get done on a regular basis, the Friday Workbox can help you move from always feeling behind to knowing just what to do next.
Grief work & spiritual direction - In addition to these organizational systems, I also work with people through grief and spiritual direction. Even the best changes that we experience in life can bring loss - of identity, of dreams, of support networks. Our faith lives are continually transforming as well throughout the changes that life brings.
Upcoming events and opportunities to schedule one-on-one sessions are below. Questions? Contact me to learn more:
About Lorri: I started out in education, working as a classroom teacher. When my children were born, I stayed home with them full time while working from home online as a tutor. As they were growing, life kept bringing more changes - homeschool, public school, an administrative job, and training for ministry. For a different season, my own health was the focus during a time of surgery and recovery. My training includes education, spiritual formation and direction, grief recovery, and life coaching. I am a licensed Paper Solution Certified Organizer and Business Friday Certified Organizer with Organize 365, which makes Lisa Woodruff's life-transforming systems available to all.
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